Saturday 28 January 2017

Split (2016)

Split is the latest from director M. Night Shyamalan who I am happy to say is back on top form delivering a terrific thriller that is alot of fun.
The main thing that makes this movie is James Mcavoy's tremendous performance as the antagonist, he is just so utterly compelling and the film probably wouldn't have worked as well without him. He just manages to give life to Kevin's different personalities so incredibly well and he just shine through especially during the films great climax. The rest of the cast are pretty decent too and do a fine enough job.
I also really liked alor of the cinematography, it has lots of intricate camerawork that was quite intriguing and really fit in well with the film.
It's a little more predictable than you'd expect from M. Night Shyamalan but there is a nice surprise right at the end that kinda blew my mind but it may go over alot of audience members heads. Still the films constantly engaging, it's got humour, it's got tension and it thrills us like a good thriller should. Is it  a little O.T.T? sure but I love that and overall I thought this was great and one of the best things Shyamalan has done. Good Stuff. ****

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