Saturday 7 January 2017

Underworld (2003)

In tepid anticipation for the new Underworld movie that hits UK next week, I've decided to go back and revisit the rest of the series. So here's the first film that kicked it all off, released in 2003 and inspired by the likes of Blade and The Matrix, Underworld is a leather-clad, gun toting action 'horror' pitting Vampires against Lycans(werewolves). Now I really enjoyed this film as a kid and having watched it again after a good few years, I still quite enjoy it, though not nearly as much as I used to.
First I want to talk about the Positives films strongest element which is its visuals, from its minimal colour palette to it's great set design the filmmakers did a great job of crafting the films world so it all looks good and nicely sets the films tone. It also got some good visual effects that still hold up quite well with a nice amount of practical effects that are utilised including for the transformed Lycans which look fantastic. Some of performances are also pretty good particularly  Kate Beckinsale, Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen, though there are a few that aren't so good but not flat-out bad. Finally the story is pretty standard but works well enough and I like the detailed mythology that's included within it.
So that's pretty much the positives, so what about its flaws?, well its biggest problems, is the lack of attachment to anything happening as the films is a little too superficial and shallow and it's only really towards the end of the film that they start to add in any character depth which is just too late, especially considering the films run time. Now it was the extended cut that I watched which clocks in at 2 hours 13 minutes, but the normal version is still 2 hours which is just too long for this movie and it really would have benefited alot just being 90 minutes, maybe 100 at a push. The film just drags at times and should have been more concise, also the action is decent enough but the gunplay does get a little boring at times.
Overall the movie is pretty fun and there's enough there to keep your attention throughout but it's certainly nothing stand out or great. A pretty decent first entry. ***

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