Friday 20 January 2017

Underworld: Awakening (2012)

The fourth entry in the series and this time the humans have joined the war after discovering Vampires and Lycans do exist and go on a mass purge. Plus we have the edition of research facilities and science stuff which all bring the film into more generic and bland territory. But stories have never been these films strong points, its more about if they deliver the expected action goods and the film does indeed have some solid action particularly in its climax with a nice amount of gore and I gotta give kudos for the film still using practicals for the Lycans at certain points, though alot less than previous installments.The acting is varying in quality but Kate Beckinsale is fine as usual and there's the nice addition of Charles Dance in a small role as an elder.
Overall this is definitely alot weaker than the first 3 films but still supplies some fun action moments.

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