Friday 3 February 2017

T2: Trainspotting (2017)

20 years after the first Trainspotting film that was critically acclaimed and loved by many, the boys are finally back in a sequel and its pretty darn solid.
Now I actually only watched the first movie a few months back for the first time and while I did really enjoy it, I don't have the same loving attachment to it that alot of people have and coming out of T2 I found that I enjoyed this sequel just a much as the first movie. That's not to say that the first movie isn't superior, because it certainly is, I just found my own enjoyment of these films was on par with each other.
The acting as very solid as expected and its got some good drama and humour, and its compelling throughout. there's also a lot of intriguing cinematography with some strange and unique camera angles and movements, which was very cool to look at but was almost at times a bit jarring and distracting.
I will also say that I think the movie was a little safe, in that most things seemed to lack any real consequence and it doesn't offer much that is particularly surprising or unexpected.
Still the references and throwbacks to the first movie are fun and its interesting to see how these character's life compare now 20 years on.
Overall it's just a really entertaining time that very solid overall. ***1/2

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