Sunday 11 May 2014

Goemon (2009)

Now this movie was filmed on a digital backlot (likethe  director's previous film Casshern) which means majority of it sets are CGI and it has an abundance of visual effects, something that will certainly turn a lot of people off this movie. However despite it's shoddiness and overuse I think if you view this as a kind of live action anime hybrid, then you may find some enjoyment with in it. I myself found the film to be very engaging and think this is down to the story which although a little bloated is incredibly interesting and as certain depth to it, this is of course helped by the acting which I thought was particularly good. I do think Kazuaki Kiriya has a lot of potential as a director, he certainly has the ambition and I look forward to seeing how his English language debut pans out. Overall once you get past it's overboard visuals Goemon is quite a decent movie.

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