Friday 19 October 2018

Phantasm (1979) Review

This cult classic is certainly an interesting one...

The beginning is structurally very odd and feels a bit jumbled, but it soon finds it's footing and has heaps of intrigue which manages to keep you engaged throughout, revealing little details as it goes on but never fully explaining everything before delivering a sort of fakeout ending that links the film to themes of grieving and dealing with loss that gives it a psychological edge (which of course is dissipated in the sequels).

It's also got quite a good score on the go which is very reminiscent of music Goblin would produce for Dario Argento.

Characters do make some questionable decisions )particularly the main kid), The acting isn't the best and the atmosphere is inconsistent but Phantasm is a strange and enjoyable horror that's got a bit of unique vibe going for it which makes it clear why it became a cult favourite and spawned a franchise.

the Tall Man may not be the scariest of guys, but actor Angus Scrimm manages to give the character an intimating presence that certainly made an impact. ***1/2

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