Friday 19 October 2018

A Star is Born (2018) Review

I'll I admit I went into this thinking it was gonna be some hokey feel-good film, I mean how can you not with a poster and title like the one above and with the way it's been marketed.
So of course to my pleasant surprise it was instead a strong emotional drama that was actually great and quite far-way from feel good or happy.

The film is lead by two fantastic and genuine feeling lead performances from Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. I'd says it's probably the best performance I've seen from Cooper thus far and Gaga really fits in so naturally with her role with them both having tremendous chemistry together.
They are also back up by a good supporting cast with Sam Elliott in particular being the other stand out of the film.

The soundtrack is also really good performed beautifully by Gaga and Cooper who collaborated with a bunch of different country musicians among other personnel to compose and produce it. The songs feel very genuine and fit perfectly with the story and characters.

there are a couple of odd moments and things feeling a bit rushed but overall I think Cooper has done fantastic job with his debut and shows a lot of promise as a director. Crafting a drama that has a lot of heart and is just as much as bout a star on the decline as it is about one on the rise and the conrtast between them.

I'll be very surprised if this don't pick up any Oscar noms. ****

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