Wednesday 10 August 2016

The Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum (2002 - 2007)

In anticipation for the newest Bourne film, I decided to watch the first three films for the first time. I was always a little reluctant to watch the series due to the influence the films had in popularising the use of shakycam in modern action cinema, ruining many action sequences for years to come. Despite my doubts though, I did end up really enjoying this films and think they are all very good thrillers.

The Bourne Identity (2002)
I never realised that the first film in the series was not directed by Paul Greengrass, instead we get Doug Liman and hardly any of the shaky handheld aesthetic that dominates later films (hoorah!) . Anyway this is a really well executed thriller, with solid writing, acting and cinematography. I felt like it had a similar tone and vibe to the first mission impossible movie which might be why I liked it so much. Its just a very engaging film, that's well paced and put together with Matt Damon being a very compelling lead. A great start to the franchise. ****

 The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
 With the second film in the series Paul Greengrass takes over, implementing the 'realist' handheld shakycam aesthetic. Now I hate that kind of visual aesthetic, but Paul Greengrass kind of knows what hes doing with it, so it isn't too bad and is barely a distraction in this film . The acting again is really solid with more of the great Brian Cox which is always nice and I really like the way they continue the story from the first one. There's also more action which (shakycam aside) is pretty good overall, though I found the climax a little weak. And there's also a little more character depth that leads to a superb scene before the ending. Overall I thought this was great and the best film in the series, it does lose a bit of steam in the climax, but the scene afterwards more than makes up for it and really ups this films ranking. ****

The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Most people regard this as the best of the series, I however think its the weakest of the three. watching this film I just already started to get tired of the with all this chasing round after Bourne and didn't really get invested until towards the end. I mean it's all solidly made still with the acting, story and action, but I just didn't care much at this point, still the ending is very strong and its still very entertaining, I just feel it doesn't match up as well to the first two.


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