Wednesday 25 June 2014

Big Man Japan (2007)

The debut feature of Hitoshi Matusmoto and I think it's great, a sort of Kaiju mockumentary that is funny and at times rather absurd. The CGI isn't the best but it works well enough and does it's job providing us with really some strange Kaiju including Riki Takeuchi's head attached to a giant leg which is rather fun.
Still within it's strangeness there a certain depth to it and overall it's just a great watch.

RoboGeisha (2009)

A J-sploitation that I think is kind of fun. Has a lot of really shoddy CGI but also a few practical effects and of course breast milk from hell. Has the usual wackiness you expect from these kind of films, so your either on board or you just hate it. Not the best but it worked for me.

Monday 23 June 2014

Funky Forest: First Contact (2005)

I have been wanting to see this film for years and I'm so glad I finally have because it is great. Essentially a combination of different stories slightly linked through the characters, Funky Forest is strange, absurd and at times really funny. It's an excessive 2 and half hour (with a literal 3 minute interval) bizarre fest that is totally compelling. It's full of familiar faces and though some bits don't work as well as others, it's hard not to appreciate it's utter uniqueness.
Overall this film exists in it's own oddball world and I think it's a rather wonderful piece of strange cinema that is a complete joy to watch.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Funeral Parade Of Roses (1969)

So this odd little Japanese film ended up being great. It has a narrative that follows a transvestite, which contains experimental elements and some documentary footage spliced in.
This film really manages to stand on its own, creating something that is completely engrossing and unique. It's has some interesting moments of humour and ending that I thought was rather brilliant.
Overall. this film presents an intriguing exploration of the Transvestite lifestyle of the time in its own wonderfully strange way with no fucks given. Superb stuff.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Jersey Boys (2014)

So this was decent, I was expecting more of an all out musical but it's more of a straight up biopic. The bands history is just about interesting enough to keep your attention and the musical moments are nice, but this is just a well made biopic and nothing more really. I'd only really  recommend it if you love Frankie Valli, other than that you may still like it but you won't miss much by not seeing it.

Chinese Puzzle (2013)

So this is the last film in a trilogy directed by Cedric Klapisch and though I had not seen the first two films beforehand, this was a solid movie and has made me want to go and watch them. It has a great cast and a nice mix of humour and drama with interesting characters creating quite an engaging film. It displays its ideas very clearly and keeps a very upbeat kind of vibe that keeps you smiling.
Overall I really liked this film and think it's a nice little piece of filmmaking and  I look forward to watching the rest of the trilogy.

Friday 20 June 2014

3 Days to Kill (2014)

This is a fine example of a film that tries hard to swim to the shore of goodness but ultimately drowns in the sea of cliches. It's not necessarily awful it just doesn't work all that well. The camerawork is rather bland and the editing is a little messy, Kevin Costner seems like he's channeling his inner Liam Nielsen and though the strong focus on the Father/Daughter relationship is commendable it's too ridden with cliches like the rest of the film for it to work fully. Still Amber Heard is hot, the film isn't boring and there are a few fun moments here and there (you can definitely tell it was written by Luc Besson).
Overall it's ok-ish and at least it tried.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Onibi: The Fire Within (1997)

Here's quite an interesting movie from the 90's that reminded me somewhat of a Kitano film due to it's diffuse nature and a similar kind of vibe. It's solid movie with an interesting main character played by the great Yoshi Harada, Sho Aikawa is also in this as well as Kazuki Kitamura playing a very camp homosexual ( a nice contrast to his usual tough guy roles). The film also has some interesting cinematography and is one of those films that flows through at quite a steady pace. I think it tries hard to be great but doesn't quite hit the mark, it's definitely good though and worth checking out if you like the early films of Takeshi Kitano.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Fault Of The Stars (2014)

Now I always heard a lot of good things about the book that this film is adapted from but I'm not that much of a reader so I never got around to actually reading it myself, nevertheless I was still very intrigued to see how this film would pan out and I must say it turned out to be really good. It handles it's delicate subject matter exceptionally well keeping things grounded with the characters feeling genuine. It has really strong performances from everyone, some really nice cinematography and a good spattering of humour, and despite the films inherent sadness there's a certain sense of positivity felt throughout, so it doesn't leave you at the end on a downer.
The film does have a few typical indie elements such as the soundtrack but it all worked well enough so that it didn't really annoy me much.
Overall this an emotional, engaging and really well done film that has a significant layer of depth and positivity.

Sunday 15 June 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Here we have one of Dreamworks' finest films that manages to surpass it's predecessor, a fantaastic animated film that is ambitious and beautiful. The story is well structured and the film is thoroughly engaging and contains a strong emotional core. This coupled with stunning visuals and a great score make for an incredible and wonderful film.
Overall this is one of the best mainstream animated films I've seen in the past few years especially one being outside of Pixar, the film achieves what it set out to exceptionally well. Bring on number 3.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Real Fiction (2000)

This is quite an interesting film, more of an experiment than anything else, as this was shot in real time in 4 hours using multiple camera setups that mixed both digital video and film. It has a very simple revenge type story with quite an interesting main character and overall it's pretty decent.

Friday 13 June 2014

Belle (2014)

So this is a pretty much a well made period drama that gets across it's themes of discrimination really well. It's one of those films where everything is fine and pretty much what you'd expect and you a learn a tiny bit of history too. If you don't like period dramas then your not missing much, if you do like them though then I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Personally it didn't do much for me but everything works well enough.

The Young and Prodigious T.S Spivet (2013)

Jean Pierre Jeunet's latest film and while not up to the standard of his other work, this is still a pretty decent film overall. As usual the film has stunning cinematography and a certain charm that keeps it engaging. I think what a brings the movie down is it's script which seems a little jumbled and just about manages to work due to it's good execution.
Overall though this is a really nice little film that provides an entertaining watch.

Oculus (2014)

This is a solid psychological horror that I really liked. It has a really good structure that builds nicely and doesn't rely jump scares but keeps a very eerie, unknowing kind of atmosphere that plays with the audience really nicely. It also has some really interesting lighting and great camera work and Karen Gillan's in it so that also a plus.
All in all despite not be hugely unique I found this to be a very effective horror that worked really well.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Street Of Joy (1974)

So this is a Roman Porno from the 70's and it does contain it's fair share of sex scenes, but this film has a bit more going for it. It depicts the lives of prostitutes in 1955 before licensed Brothels are officially abolished in Japan and the prostitutes themselves turn out to be quite interesting characters. Another interesting thing is how alot of scene are actually shot in one long take, not sure if thats normal for Roman Porno's but I liked how it was done. There's also hand drawn comic panels that are interspersed here and there which are rather fun and overall this was actually pretty decent film.

The City Of Lost Children (1995)

Jeunet & Caro's wonderful fantasy film that is very imaginative and unique. It has great set design, great cinematography and visuals and is just an all around great film.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Bleak Night (2010)

So this little Korean film is the debut film of director Yoon Sung-hyun and was apparently his Korean Academy of Film Arts graduation project. Having said that I must say that this film is great and I'm very impressed by what he's made here. It has great performances from the actors and very interesting characters with a strong emotional core. I also have to credit the cinematography for looking great, especially the use of handheld cam being executed superbly.
Overall this a great coming of age drama as well as a great debut film and I look forward to what the director does in the future.

Monday 9 June 2014

Evil Of Dracula (1974)

Released in the uk as part of the 'bloodthirsty trilogy' this film is a very standard affair that plays out like a japanese version of a hammer horror, except I found the whole thing rather bland. It didn't help that the DVD release of it I watched was clearly a VHS transfer, so the quality was rather poor. It's pretty much all we've seen before, it's not necessarily awful but I just didn't find it all that interesting. I will say that this does star two familiar faces from the godzilla series which I found quite amusing.
Overall, nothing special but it works I suppose.

Saturday 7 June 2014

22 Jump Street (2014)

The sequel to 21 Jump Street and it is on par if may be even a little funnier than the first one. What makes it work well is the good chemistry between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum and the films self awareness of it being a sequel. The story is nothing to write home about and as the film consistently acknowledges, it's all the same shit again (but with a bigger budget!). but all that matters with this film is that it successfully sets out what it's meant to do and that is consistently deliver the laughs throughout. Also this film is very well shot with a nice use of split screen in places.
Overall a very fun comedy that does it's job very well.

The Two Faces Of January (2014)

Here's decent slick thriller adapted from the novel of the same name. I found the story itself to be pretty standard but interesting enough to keep me engaged throughout. The film is also executed really well, has a good use of location, good performances and some really nice cinematography.
Overall it didn't wow me but the whole thing works well producing a rather decent thriller.

Ninja Kids!!! (2011)

Takashi Miike directs this super fun kids film that's based on the manga series and keeps the feel of a live action manga itself with it's inherent wackiness and cartoony vibes. It's just a good fun time filled with wacky gags that make the 100 minute run time just fly by.
A purely joyous fun film.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011)

The first film in an attempt to reboot the Planet Of The Apes franchise and it is definitely great. The film switches up the themes with more contempary ones and takes a somewhat more realistic approach than the rest of the series. The film is tense and engaging with a few powerful moments that make your hair stand on end. Andy Serkis pull off a great mocap performance as Ceasar and despite his small role John Lithgow is also fantastic in this movie. It's well shot, well structured and packed with a number of references to the original series.
Overall This film is just great and I can't wait for Dawn.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)

The last in the original series and definitely the weakest, it's all just straightforward and meh really. It lacks the same depth of the other films and it just feels lacking overall. I mean it's all kind of ok but that's about it really. It's clear that the creative drive of the series had begun to fade, it's a shame it ended on such a lackluster note considering how good Conquest was.
overall Just meh.

Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes (1972)

A super solid film and by far the second best film of the series, containing once again a great ending and a great performance from Roddy McDowall.  I do feel that this film is may only be truly appreciated by fans of the actual series and that other people will possibly find the whole thing rather silly and not get behind it. But I do think they did a really good job with this movie and think it's very successful with it's intentions  and the themes of oppression and revolution come across really well.
A very entertaining and overall very solid film.

Escape From The Planet Of The Apes (1971)

The third film in the series and it's not too bad, it's mainly another great ending that brings this film up. Everything beforehand is passable and works and the film still deals with certain social issues. Overall it's still a rather enjoyable film if maybe a little lackluster.

Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970)

The first sequel to Planet Of The Apes and an interesting one to say the least. Starring discount Charlton Heston (James Francisus) with real Charlton Heston also reprising his role as Taylor albeit in a smaller capacity. This film took the series in a rather ridiculous direction but I can't help but admire the whole creativity of it all. This film almost turns a into a satire of nuclear obsession and has once again a great ending. it  doesn't hold up that well as a whole but it is certainly a creative and fun film.

Planet Of The Apes (1968)

Recently completed a Planet Of The Apes marathon, so shall be giving my thoughts on each film and first up of course it's the sci-fi classic Planet Of The Apes. A great film with strong themes, Planet Of The Apes provides a an imaginative and very engaging story that is constructed exceedingly well with a memorable ending. The film also has some really nice cinematography and strong performances, and of course how can you not love Charlton Heston. Great stuff.

Edge Of Tomorrow (2014)

Edge of Tomorrow presents a Sci-fi action films that is engaging and thrilling from start to finish. Based on a Japanese Light novel (which makes perfect sense) the films presents a really interesting story and concept that's a lot of fun with some really good visual effects. The problem that brings it's down for me though is it's cinematography, it opts for the shakycam quick cut style which although I understand is meant to make you delirious, it always annoys and frustrates me because it makes it hard to get a clear view of the action and just looks awful which is a shame because there's a fantastic shot when Tom Cruise make his first decent from the plane which is done in one spinning seamless take but it fails to do anything like this later on. Other than that though this film is thoroughly enjoyable and overall lots of fun.

A Million Ways To Die In The West (2014)

Now I've never been a fan of westerns but I'm always down for comedy ones that take the piss, it's just a shame that this one doesn't live up to it's potential. While I think there is a decent scattering of humour in this I have two main issues with it. The first one is it has a super saccharine generic plot that is more annoying than usual and to some extent felt like an excuse for Seth Mcfarlane to kiss Charlize theron. The second one is that the film doesn't really live up to it's title, it may mention alot of ways to die but (call me a sadist) there is really not enough death in this, it's a small personal gripe but I was hoping for more.
Overall the film isn't as wacky as expected which to some extent is it's downfall, there is a fair amount of humour here but it's not all that well written and the the success of it's execution varies. It's just a disappointment really.

Maleficent (2014)

The brand new retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty story that changes it up and while it has some interesting ideas the whole thing just ends up being meh. It has some nice visuals and  the theater style performances really worked but all the story elements don't quite work that successfully. There are alot of parts that are specifically aimed for kids but feel like they've been lazily thought out and added in to dispel some of the films dark nature. Also all men are evil, female empowerment for the win.(that isn't a criticism I'm just stating what the movie says)
Overall this isn't a a bad film as such but it's not particularly that good either, still I give it kudos for trying something different.