Friday 25 May 2018

Paradox (2018) Review

This bizarre little film was ported straight to Netflix a couple of months ago and is directed by actress Daryl Hannah and stars Neil Young and his backing band Promise of the Real.
It's a kind of psychedelic Western with musical excerpts mixed in, performed by Neil Young and is band which were written and recorded for specifically for the film.
Now It's a bit of a mess in all honestly and seems to lack any sense of direction with even it's camerawork and editing seeming to be little all over the place.
There's no narrative to speak of it's mainly string of sequences featuring the characters doing stuff.
I couldn't tell you what any of it means but I did actually enjoy it to a certain extent. The music is pleasant and pretty decent overall, the runtime is only 72 minutes so it's a relatively short ride, the hazy atmosphere is consistent and there's enough going on to keep your interest even if it it is baffling and doesn't seem to make much sense.
Also Willie Nelson shows up and robs a bank with Neil I guess? yeah if you like Neil Young and want to see him in something odd then check it out, other than that I'm not sure many people will find much to enjoy here outside the music. ***

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