Saturday 30 December 2017

Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) Review

This 80's christmas slasher is one that can be described as half decent.
All the origin stuff in the first half I found to be quite interesting and actually had some ok acting, once it shifts into the actual slasher stuff though, things get a bit mixed. There's a few nice kills and bloody moments (in the uncut version at least) but there's also a few dull moments, with some sequence being padded out to fill the run time.
The movie is certainly sleazy and twisted but surprisingly tackles a few issues like trigger happy policemen and the certain effects of abuse and trauma, of course its all done in the most basic of ways, so its not particularly depthful, but its still oddly there
Overall I think this isan enjoyable enough slasher flick, nothing great but not too bad. ***

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