Saturday 7 May 2016

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

The latest offering from Marvel Studios and probably their best one yet. Captain America: Civil War is a great superhero film full of great drama, action and humour. It gives us a very character driven story, that makes for a much more compelling film. We've got all the previous characters being represented better than they ever have been, as well as great new additions like Black Panther and the new incarnation of Spiderman (who seems to be the best one yet). Everyone manages to fit and isn't out of place, even the 'villain' is well drawn out and has very good motivations behind him. There's a lot of really good action sequences too, that are decently shot with lots of cool moments sprawled throughout.
The whole thing just works great, it's well balanced, paced, written, acted and is just a super entertaining film overall. I really liked it. ****

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