Friday 8 January 2016

The Danish Girl (2015)

The Danish Girl is the latest offering from Tom Hooper which is based of the Novel that is loosely inspired by the lives of Lili Erbe and Gerda Wegener. Now my thoughts on this film are the exact same ones I had about King's Speech, it's beautifully shot (although much more beautiful then King's speech), it's incredibly well acted and there are some great scenes, however most of it is only kind of interesting so the movie never feels as good as it could have been. It's a case of the themes and overall effect being what's interesting, rather than the actual story which has been padded with very paint my numbers drama. So the content ends up not being strong enough to match it's themes.
Overall this is still a well made and decent movie with beautiful cinematography and great acting, it's other areas just should have been stronger.

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