Friday 8 May 2015

Unfriended (2015)

Unfriended from the get to go is quite an intriguing film, due to it being set entirely on a laptop screen. It is essentially a social media horror that critiques cyber-bullying. It actually utilises it's gimmick quite well, creating quite a fun movie.
The films horror aspects are actually a little weak, but the film really shines through in it's more satirical side, leading to quite a few laughs. The film also reveals little story details throughout the film in interesting ways, that really help keep your attention. The acting isn't exactly stellar, but considering all the characters are seen through webcams, it's hard to expect anything that great.
Overall while this film may not exactly be good for a horror, it's certainly and interesting and fun film in it's own right and worth checking out as something a little different.

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