Sunday 12 April 2020

Take Me Away! (1978) Review

Take Me Away! is a film by Nobuhiko Obayashi starring the Golden Combi 70s Idol film stars
Momoe Yamaguchi and Tomokazu Miura. It's pretty much a romantic fluff piece with the basic story of girl meets boy abroad, she has to leave him behind, and then there's some conflict and a happy resolution. It's a very shallow film that follows all the usual general tropes without adding anything new, but it's still rather cute in places, even if the character motivations could be rather questionable.

The film is quite well shot, and Obayashi incorporates a couple offbeat elements here and there, though it's very sparingly. It does, however, a recurring song and theme throughout that is linked to the characters, a trope that Obayashi has a used a few of his films before.
Although the opening bars to the song are exactly the same as Fly Me to the Moon.

Overall, I found the film somewhat enjoyable, it rushes about it at times and is a very basic run-of-the-mill romantic film, but it has some charm and I particularly liked the first 30 minutes or so.
Not sure how much I'd necessarily recommend it,  maybe if you really like your smulchzy romance films, other than that , this one's that's more for the Obayashi completionists. **1/2

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