Wednesday 1 November 2017

Maniac (1980) Review

Maniac is a grimy slasher flick that follows the killer's POV. It's mainly made up of main character monologues and a bunch of killings that have some nice gore effects provided by FX wiz Tom Savini. It then delivers a very strange and pretty awesome ending as the killers psyche breaks down from what could be argued to be his guilt.
The killer is played by Joe Spinell who puts on a commendable performance but most of the supporting acting and dialogue is pretty bad and at times laughable.
The film also has some pacing issues and it can be a little too slow in places. I think there's one chase scene in particular that goes on far too long and lacks the suspense to merit it's length.
Overall Maniac is a pretty solid slasher though that bring some differences to the usual fare. ***

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