Thursday 8 January 2015

Top 10 Films of 2014

I felt 2014 was quite a good year for movies, there was alot of films that really managed to deliver the goods especially ones I was particularly hyped for. Of course there were a few disappointments and pieces of crap but generally I was quite happy with what I watched overall. So here are my favourite ones that I got to see, which may not all be in definitive order but work in the positions that they have for now.

Honourable Mentions
The Double
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
the Imitation Game
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Lego Movie

10. How To Train Your Dragon 2
 I felt like I wanted try and at least have one great animated film in my list and as fun as the Lego movie was, How To Train Your Dragon 2 just felt like the right choice. A big step-up from the already solid previous film, How Train Your Dragon 2 shows how to take a sequel to the next level in terms of ambition and greatness, leaving us with a one of the most beautiful animated CGI films I've ever seen. Combine that beauty with a solid story that has a strong emotional core and some general epicness and  you've got yourself one of the best Dreamworks animated films that is arguably on par with some of Pixars finest.

9. Gone Girl
I may not be as much of a fan of Fight Club and Zodiac as some people, but I am definitely a big fan of Gone Girl. A smart thriller that is constantly engaging with a few twists and turns that even threw me off guard. Of course the films success is helped greatly by two very strong lead performances, particularly Rosamund Pike who seems to nail her 'cold hearted bitch' character perfectly.
 It's just an incredibly well made film that kept me hooked all the way through. A true 'thriller indeed.

8. Nightcrawler
Dan Gilroy's great directorial debut, powered by Jake Gyllenhaal's fantastic and mesmerizing performance. Nightcrawler is a great thriller that is actually quite subtle in approach but always utterly intriguing, containing moments of pure eerieness and providing an interesting look into certain aspects of the news business. Lou Bloom is definitely one of the most interesting characters I've seen in a while making this a damn fine movie.

7. Interstellar
Now here's a film that divided many people and of course I stand on the more positive side of things. Interstellar is only a dissappointment because wasn't the masterpiece it should have been. However that doesn't mean that the film still isn't a great movie because it is, I just can't help but admire Nolan's ambitions and think he still manages to pull a thoroughly enjoyable sci-fi epic, that is both emotional and beautiful.

6. Boyhood
A film that has topped many peoples 2014 lists and deservedly so. The film is a marvelous achievement and probably the truest definition of a coming of age film. Linklater took a risk and pulled it off with creating a great film full of relatable moments that is just a joy to watch.

5. What We Do In The Shadows
The funniest film I saw in 2014, hat is hilarious from start to finish. An 80 minutes vampire mockumentary that has the comical magic that many comedies lack these days. It's not gonna change the world but it'll definitely cheer it up.

4. X-Men: Day Of Future Past
Not just my favourite comic book movie of 2014, but one of my favourite comic book movies ever. A brilliant film full of great acting, action and moments of pure awesomeness. Days Of Future Past was pretty much everything I wanted and more, and I just can't wait for Apocalypse.

3. The Raid 2: Berundal
Days Of Future Past may have been the best comic book movie of the year, but this film was by far the best action film of the year. Delivering some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen and a story that may not have been hugely unique but was still executed brilliantly. Raid 2 took the correct steps in following up the more confined first film delivering a thoroughly engaging action epic.

2. Under The Skin
A unique and absolutely fascinating film, Under the Skin is quite an experience. Minimal in dialogue and narrative but utterly compelling throughout, I couldn't help but love it. It's truly remarkable and well worth checking out at least once, even if you end up not liking it.

1. Birdman
I actually only saw this movie last week but instantly fell in love with it and straight away knew it was my favourite film of 2014. For starters any film that attempts the one take illusion, is instantly in my good books. Combine that with a thoroughly engaging narrative that has great performances, a good amount of humour and lots of other great elements, and you've got yourselves a winner. It's a film that just seemed to get better and better as it went on and connected with me on a level that not many films do, which is why it's my favourite film of 2014.

So that my list I'm sure there are those that will disagree with it, but the beauty of films is the differing connections they can have with people.
I'm hoping to write up more reviews this year for 2015 and can't wait to see some more great new movies.

See you Space Cowboy


Sunday 4 January 2015

My Top Ten Albums of 2014

Now I know this blog is primarily for film reviews and I haven't posted much  in a while but I thought I'd post my top ten albums of 2014 here anyway as I am also a keen music listener. For the past two years I have done this in video form but decided that this year I would just stick to writing it out instead.
Now my musical taste lies primarily within the realms of metal particularly when it comes to recent releases as I find a lot of other new music just doesn't work for me despite me trying to broaden my palette. So with that said this list is pretty much dominated by metal releases.
Now this order of this list is not necessarily definitive but they are still my 10 most favourite releases of 2014.

Honourable Mentions
Sabaton - Heroes
Grand Magus - Triumph and power
Gamma Ray - Empire Of The Undead
Nightingale - Retribution
Enchant - The Great Divide
Machinae Supremacy - Phantom Shadow

 10. Machinae Supremacy - Phantom Shadow
Trying to choose an album for number 10 was actually quite difficult, as any of the Honorable mentions could have easily been put here. In the end though I decided to go for Machinae Supremacy's latest release, an album that managed to surprise me by how good it was. An ambitious effort that is a vast improvement over their previous album due to better and more dynamic composition that have shown a band that has evolved their 'SID metal' sound for the better. Very solid effort
Highlight: Versus

9. Opeth - Pale Communion
Opeth continue with their more traditional and melodic prog rock approach devoid of all death metal. I happen to really like the current path they are taking, I really enjoyed Heritage and this album take the same kind of sound and steps it up a bit producing an album that's considerably better than Heritage. With more interesting and intricate compositions Opeth deliver a very strong prog album and I'm more than happy for them to continue down their current route if their songwriting manages to stay just a solid as it is here.
Highlights(s): Moon Above So Below
8. Triosphere - The Heart Of the Matter
 Triosphere were one of the first female fronted bands that I actually got into, for years I had been reluctant about listening to any metal band with a female singer (even though I love a few now, as you will see further on in this list). I think what made me like this band at the time though was that Ida Auckland's voice stood out a bit from the rest, it was deeper and more forceful so to speak and really complemented their melodic metal sound. So now 4 years after the last release their 3rd Album 'The Heart Of The Matter comes and what we get is a very solid outing that is perhaps their best so far. 54 minutes of pure melodic metal is from top to bottom is a pleasure to listen to.
Highlight(s): Breathless, Hearts Dominions

7. Eluveitie - Origins
'Origins' represents Eluveitie at their finest. Each song delivering a great burst of Swiss Folk metal. Definitely one of the best and most consistent albums that they've record and their first album where I've thoroughly enjoyed every song.
Highlights: King, Celtos

6. Vanden Plas - Chronicles Of The Immortals - Netherworld
German Prog metallers present a damn fine concept album, that provides a great listen through and through.
Highlight: Vision 6ix - New Vampyre

5. Ancient Bards - A New Dawn Ending
  I literally only started listening to this band two weeks ago and was thoroughly impressed. They play the kind bombastic symphonic metal that I love and while they don't necessarily bring anything unique to the genre, they still do damn good job as showcased by this great album. Full of great vocals, great guitar work and general symphonic metal wonderment.
Highlights: A Greater Purpose, In My Arms

4. Dragonforce - Maximum Overload
Dragonforce are band that have gotten alot of schtick since being thrust into the mainstream with Inhuman Rampage(which is actually their worst album). But I've always been a big fan, they play a very 'in your face' power metal that I really enjoyed. I'm also a big fan of Marc Hudson and felt  that 'The Power Within' was somewhat of a return to form for the band. With their latest release they have managed to top that and record what I believe is their best album since 'Sonic Firestorm'. It's the same signature full frontal power metal sound but with a few small dynamic elements added here and there. Each song is bursting with it's own energy making it complete joy to listen to. It also contains a super fun power metal cover of Ring Of Fire. Great stuff.
Highlights: The Sun is Dead, Extraction Zone

3. Epica - Quantum enigma
Symphonic metal at it's darn finest. Epica deliver an absolute superb and Epic album. Every song is just great and full of that wonderful Epica goodness. Simone Simons is on top form and sounds fantastic, filling each great composition with life, helping the album to really standout. A great piece of symphonic metal magic.
Highlights: Sense Without Sanity - The impervious code, The Quantum Enigma - Kingdom Of Heaven part 2.

2. Galneryus - Vetelgyus
  Galneryus are one of my top favorite bands, they play their own brand of power metal that always works for me and with their latest album they once again do not disappoint. Syu's guitar work is as stellar as always and you get a nice mix of straight up power metal songs and a select few that are infused with some other interesting elements making a it constantly enjoyable listen.
Galneryus are a band that still manage to impress me greatly and I cant help but love them.
Highlights: There's No Escape, Enemy To Injustice

1. Sonata Arctica - Pariah's Child
 I was very close to having Galneryus as number 1, but the latest release from Sonata Arctica just about beats it, due to being the one who's songs I've relistened to the most. Sonata are another of my favorite bands and here they show how great and intricate their songwriting can be. Each song has it's own thing going on, whether it be the more straight up power metal workings of the Wolves Die Young or the symphonically epic Larger Than Life, the album contains a range of elements that keep it consistently interesting. the entire thing is just rather wonderful and addictive and while it may not be Sonata's best, it's still pretty darn great.
Highlights: Blood, Larger than Life.

So that's what my favourite albums of 2014 were, I should also have my top 10 films of 2014 done soon. But for now I look forward to seeing what wonderful albums 2015 brings.