Friday 18 January 2019

Skins (2017) Review

So here's an odd Spanish film involving people with 'deformities' trying to find happiness. It's the debut feature for  Eduardo Casanova who is only 27 years old and already shows good promise as a director as I really enjoyed this.
It has a nice consistent aesthetic, is well acted and balances the drama and comedy rather well providing a few touching moments as well as a weirdly cute ending.
Some of the structuring and editing is a little bit clunky, but the run time is is just under 80 minutes and stays constantly engaging throughout.
Now there are some moments people will find discomforting but the film does have dark comical edge that may diffuse that and if anything I think it's thr overall strangeness that'll be off-putting for most people.
But if you give it a real chance there's a great little movie here to be enjoyed, one that tries to provide hope and love to those that are different, albeit in its own unique manner. ****