Saturday 29 August 2015

Attack On Titan (2015)

Part one of the live action adaptation of the highly popular manga/anime of which I myself am a fan of, but while this film may not reach the greatness of it's source material, what we have here is still a really fun movie. For better or worse the film takes a few creative liberties and takes away alot of the character depth and story  focuses more on delivering a straight up action film. (something that has understandably annoyed alot of fan), I for one don't mind this so much as it is still a very engaging movie from start to finish, the visual effects themselves certainly aren't hollywood high standard (as expected) but they are still quite fun to look at and have some genuine good bits at times and the film still manages to feel a little different to your usual action blockbuster.
Overall the film is a bit of a disappointment but if you are willing accept the film for what it is, then there's still quite a bit of fun to be had here in this entertaining (if a little shallow) thrill ride