Friday 3 July 2015

Terminator Genisys (2015)

Another needless Terminator movie that has, understandably, been ripped apart by critics.
I on the other hand rather liked this film and thought it was rather decent.
Sure, it's nowhere near the levels of greatness as the first two (something I highly doubt any new Terminator can), but I did enjoy it more than 3 and salvation and liked some of the ideas it presented. I also really liked the references and the remaking of certain sequences and felt it was a interesting way of transitioning us into this new terminator world that they are creating for the current generation. I thought Emilia Clarke was a good replacement for Linda Hamilton and I always love a bit of Arnie. The rest of the cast I could take or leave apart from Matt Smith who I thought had great presence in the few scenes he was in, and I also really liked the addition of JK Simmons in is small role.
As I said, the movie isn't necessarily great and is a bit of a mess but I still think it's passable entertainment and does enough to stay enjoyable. It's just missing the wow factor, which of course, is hard to have when you have the shadow of T2 lurking over you.
A lot of hardcore terminator fans are probably gonna loathe this film but hopefully a few will see some of its more positive and promising aspects and I myself am still intrigued to see where they go with it next, though, how many  people actually still care about the franchise is sure to be revealed over the weekend.
Overall people may say I'm being too soft for accepting a Terminator movie that is merely decent but I like to stay on the more optimistic side of things. It may be another needless Terminator movie, but for something unnecessary it's still quite enjoyable.